Driving License

While an EU driving licence is valid in the UK, a permanent UK resident should apply for an UK driving licence.

If your Estonian driving licence has been lost, stolen or has expired, the Estonian Transport Administration (Transpordiamet) will not issue a new licence if the applicant’s residential address according to the Estonian Population Registry is not in Estonia. All Estonian citizens are required to submit correct details to the Estonian Population Registry and to keep them up-to-date.

A permanent UK resident should apply for an UK driving licence.

UK driving license will be issued on the basis of your Estonian driving licence. If your Estonian driving licence has been lost, stolen or has expired, the embassy can provide a document confirming driving entitlement.

Estonian citizens who have registered their place of residency in the UK can apply for this document through the embassy by post. For this, please send us a letter of request and a copy of your passport. The state fee can be paid by Postal Order (cheque from a Post Office; payable to: Estonian Embassy) or by bank transfer.

The loss of an Estonian driving licence has to be reported to the Estonian Road Administration (Maanteeamet) at [email protected].

More information about the UK driving licences can be found on the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) website.